Friday 8 February 2008

The Way Forward?

Okay, so I'm toying with the idea of starting a blog/using this blog to work out fictionally all the thoughts passing through my head as I study theology. I'm envisioning little 'episodes' that give me the chance to process, document and express what's going on in my little brain, and have some fun while doing it. Watch this space.


Nath said...

Do it, Hel, do it...

Johnius Contra Mundum said...

I think I remember you told me to tell you the location of my blog. It's at:

I also sortof run a theology website over at:

Although I can never be bothered to write too much for it.

Hope you are well. It was very pleasant to see you tonight and catch up a bit. I've got a trip to London coming up in a few weeks or months (the final interview for my internship, with the MP rather than the Christian organisation - people very rarely fail it, but I still have to do it!), and was thinking I'd probably spend a few days and meet up with a number of people I know in London, so I'd like to see you then if possible.