Tuesday, 26 June 2007

iTunes on Shuffle: Losing the Album Concept

No, this isn’t an essay about Sgt Pepper’s as one of the greatest concept albums ever made, just a few thoughts on the effect iTunes has had on my listening habits.

I love homemade compilations - unique inlay covers, beatsy songlists in perfected running order; there’s just something really good about that variety.

I also love iTunes, a catalogue of all your music with that fantastic ‘shuffle’ button giving you Ben Folds after Kate Rusby; The Shapeshifters after The Kooks.

Out of their album context though, some songs just sound pants. I love ‘In Between Dreams’ by Jack Johnson, but I often find myself skipping past its song when they start to play on iTunes. I’ve also noticed that songs from musicals don’t seem to fit so well intermingled with the rest of my collection.

I’ve bought a few new cds recently, under a little plan to buy an album a week and explore music a bit more. The first port of call for these cds is THE CD PLAYER. Without the touch of the shuffle button, I appreciate the feel of the over all album, and get to know the songs in their context.

Of course, you can listen to music in their album forms on iTunes if you like, it’s just that I like to have that shuffle feature on the go, and then I’m not just shuffling an album, but a whole catalogue of cds spanning genre and time. It can be great and sometimes iTunes compiles the greatest tracklist. But from time to time, it’s good to just remember those songs in the context of their album.

If you’re a shuffle-addict like me then give it a try...

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